We are Folks Talent

A creative leadership development business

We exist to demystify what being a good leader is, by educating and inspiring those who lead to be more human at work.

Building high performing teams Building high performing teams

This is what we do

Leadership and Management

A variety of expertise and proven development experiences help us meet your needs, tailoring to your environment, management challenges, style, and culture.

Consultation and Design

We invest in understanding what problems exist for our clients so we can walk every step with them to deliver consultation that leads to a solution that truly works.


Our coaches and practices ensure that every person embarking on a programme with us achieves real and lasting positive change.


We specialise in simplifying this complex environment, not achieved through organisational structure, but by creating teams that feel connected and accountable.

We designed and delivered a programme to equip Scrum Masters with the necessary managerial and leadership skills to better engage teams and produce high performance.

Bridgestone Mobility Solutions

We created an experience which was agile in design, rich in content, challenging in style and varied in approach, and developed an architecture that adheres and appeals to various learning styles.

Bromford Housing Group Ltd.

We rolled-out the ‘Business Excellence Leadership Programme’ to 30 international delegates with the aim of enhancing the leadership and management capabilities of Heads of Functions/Senior Managers.


We leave performance tuning to Porsche:

at Folks Talent we nurture individual strengths and team success

Struggling to think of team building activities for your business?
Download our free pdf of simple suggestions for all budgets.